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Pitch vermin

The new edition of Blood Bowl is in and is looking sweeeeeeeet as hell! So I got renewed energy to paint my GW skaven team that I bought like a year ago.

I didn't want to go with the usual color scheme so I did some internet search and ended up on an interesting yellow/black scheme. The yellow was a muted tone, closer to brown, that would fit the skaven dirty theme but be bright enough to look like sports attire.

I played with metal colors and black tones on the robes and armor plates to get a nice contrast with the skaven skin and the brown fur.

On stormvermins I had to forego using their usual dark fur so it wouldn't mix with the armor tones. Not that there was much fur to be seen on them anyways.

The tails on this skaven are absurdly long compared to the rest of the range, and it was pretty fun to paint them. They look like gigantic earthworms.

On the nightrunners I decided to prioritize the team yellow over the usual Eshin black to make sure they fit with the rest of the team.

For the bases I wanted to use the broken earth workshop technical paints to see what kind of effects I could get. I thought they will be very fitting for the skaven that their home turf is muddy and broken with just random patches of grass here and there. 

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