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Middara: A brand new world

I got Middara's kickstarter package some 2 weeks ago, and man, I'm really glad I backed this KS. The components are excellent quality and I'm enjoying the game and story so far.  After my first games I was sure I wanted to invest some time in painting this game, so I jumped straight into painting the hero party.

Went for the standard colors on the cards for the most part. Only the princess got herponytail colors changed to green to make the horns easier to tell appart. 

I really like how the girls turned out. Despite the lack of detail the miniatures have in the faces the vivid colors make them pop-out a lot.

I wasn't too fond of the design of Rook on the KS campaign but he's been one of my favourites in the game so far so I'm looking forward to playing it painted.

I also went ahead and painted most of the monsters you find on the first missions in preparation for their next appearances. I hope eventualy I can paint them faster than they appear on the game so I can be fully painted by when I reach the climax of the story.

For the Cave Sickles I wanted to mix the feeling of rock and organical beast, so the carapace is done in earthly colours, while the lower side was painted as if it was the actual muscle and skin of the creature with meatier colors.

The Water Loa were basically done in blue tones while some green washes were used on the "dress" and the hair to help differentiate from the "skin" of the elemental.

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