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Yujing inspired UCM fleet.

This week, our local rpg/wargaming club had to do a big mat order for an upcoming infinity event we're organizing. So I decided to tag along and order some mats for my Dropfleet Commander games.

The new mats are looking great and as a collateral advantadge allowed me to take some decent pics of my UCM fleet wich I had painted some time ago but was having a lot of trouble taking pictures of.


As my PHR before this one, the colour scheme was inspired by Infinity. In this case, this is a Yujing fleet. So yellowish brown was my to-go main color. Accent colors where made in off-white to identify the fleet as Svalarheima based. 

And here's a shot of the full fleet. 

Here are some pictures taken on the second playmat, that looks like a radar scan.

Some scenic shots.

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