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AI waifus and elite proxies

I'm having a bit of a problem to maintain my painting rythm since winter started. There are a lot less hours with good light in the day and my current lighting setting at home is not really the best for painting. 

My OSS army is outperforming everything I played to date, just recently winning me 2nd place in one of our local tournament, so I'm spending my little time with them in hopes I can deploy my list fully painted.

The star of my last game was my Asura lieutenant lvl 2 that went Rambo on the enemy army crippling them enough for my other guys to focus on the objectives. So far she's proven to be a very capable gunfighter and I was hoping I could do her miniature justice.

Asura hacker
Sadly I'm not 100% sattisfied with the results. I really like the body but I cannot get to myself to like the face. She looks nice from afar but from close those metal lines bother me a lot.

Here's with the Danavas that was painted a few days prior (This shot was before I painted the jewels on the base).

I really like the Asura's from behind though. That strange device on her head makes a nice contrast with her purple anime hair.

I also painted my Mk5 proxys. The marksman I actually use as an Mk2 proxy as I still don't have the original proxies box. I really dig the design on this guys and are actually one of my favourite miniatures on the Aleph range.

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