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Hell hath no fury

I was toying with the possibility of selling my Arcadia Quest this last month due to my lack of plays. However my wife convinced me that it was something I would regret as my edition is the kickstarter one with the extras. So in the end I turned to plan B, use Inferno miniatures in other games. I recently bought a copy of Dragon Rampant, the fantasy skirmish game from Osprey and was toying with the idea of playing a demon warband.

I still had some red primer spray laying around so that made the process of painting this way faster and easier.  I add some inks and some highlights to the skin, however for some reason my phone camera can't seem to capture the different tones of red on this, wich is a shame.

Daemonettes were the most fun to paing. They are simple and fun and you can't say no to red boobies.

Demon pitchers were collateral damage. I hate this sculpt but if I was going to paint all demons I might aswell get them done with. Simple, not much hassle aside from the fire.

The bosses were also pretty nice to paint, and while they are simple in their color scheme, their size makes them quite imposing miniatures. Now I kinda hope I run the Inferno campaign one day to get to play this guys.

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