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We're gonna need a bigger trap...

With the coming of OPR I found myself playing more and more with the miniatures I had been collecting for ages but never actually brought to the table. The Skaven were some of those. Lately I found a very eager colleague who plays High Elves that keeps asking me to play some Age of Fantasy games and this forced me to get my Skaven back into speed.

My Stormfiend were my test color scheme for my clan Skryre colors, I decided to go for some muted grey and blue as main clan colors that had a nice contrast with the skaven's vermin browns and red skin tones. I also tried my hand at oxydizing and doing some chipping on the armor. 

I decided to magnetize the arms to switch the weapon options, but to be fair I never got used to the weapon changing. In fact, I never ended painting the alternate weapons options, so I'm considering just gluing the current guns to prevent them from flopping around. 

Overall I'm pretty satisfied with te result. They look pretty imposing on the battlefield and have become a staple of my army since I painted them.

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