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The crazy madlads

Lately I've been playing a local league with my Bakunin troops and I found myself several times proxying Avicenna to support my Riot Grrrrrls... Which was a bit ridiculous because I actually own the model, however I had never gotten myself to paint her. So having the league as an excuse, it was a great time to paint her up. 

She obviously got painted in bromad colors. Mainly a bakunin white color scheme with some details in red and orange. I had just painted a lot of black and latino alguaciles so I felt like painting her with a more caucasian skin tone and hair, giving her a distinct look over the "haqqislamite style" official color scheme. 

My idea was that she would be wearing a white QiPao, so I tried freehanding some floral details in, to break the solid white of the dress.

I also did a major cleanup in my painting desk (the amount of dust and paint residue was getting unsurmountable) and so, I had to make a taskforce to finish several half painted models that were  way overdue. Mostly morlocks.

Colossus probably has the dubious honor to be the model that has taken me more time from start to finish. Painted him way back in 2017 when I was trying chrome effects on my miniatures. However I was not sattisfied with the colours of his uniform and stayed in a 3 year hiatus until the big clean-up.

The warcraft elf was also in "almost done" state together with colossus. Mainly a problem with her arm fixing that i had to re-sculpt again before repainting. She's a pretty straightforward model when it comes to color scheme but very interesting to work on skin tones. I also really like how her pants turned out.

Another model that spent a long time on the desk was my Lizard pilot. She was also a nice exercise in skintones and, after finishing, I wanted to see how did she look next to the TAG. This led me to discover that due to my Lizard conversion, the pilot was able to stand on the tag with no glue, as the pose allowed her to have all her weight on the cockpit while her feet stood on the support for the ammo belt that I had added on the back as a tail of sorts.

Looking at the result I felt like she really deserved to stay there so first I checked if my bag was able to carry the TAG with the pilot attached and after confirming it was possible, she was glued in place earning her a new ride.


She's now the highest armored RiotGrrrrl of my team!!

Also done from the shame pile were some civvies from the dire foes packs. Their bases are pretty basic. I didn't feel as investing much time on them at the moment. Might switch them in the future if I find any interesting base pattern.

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