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Panoceanian High-Orbit Regiment pt.2 #SpringDropComp

As time closes to finish the deadline for Dropfleet's #SpringDropComp painting competition I had to give myself a final push to finish my remaining cruisers. This weekend was dedicated mainly to finish the 6 cruisers, adding some flair to my Priam and basing the whole fleet.

After seeing so many awesome fleets on the competition I decided to up my ante and try to add the original planned red markings to the ships. Despite having to do it freehand it didn't turn half bad. I also freehanded the panoceanian logo and the ship names on the front hull to give them a little more character over the smaller ships.

Ajax Class - PSS Nordkap

Ganymede Class - PSS Lux
Perseus Class - PSS Auxilia
Orion Class - PSS Camoes

Priam Class - PSS Tencentur

The fleet for the competition only required me to paint 4 cruisers but in the end I decided to paint them all six to make sure they would match colors.
Achiles Class - PSS Hawaiki
Ikarus Class - PSS Vishwa

This is how all the big ships look together.

And here is how the whole fleet looks together with the small ships that were painted in the previous update.

The following is the list presented for the competion. I'm not an experienced Dropfleet player so don't expect this to be competitive in any way. It's basically a list that would allow me to paint the miniatures I had.

NAME: PHR SpringDrop 

Faction: PHR

Points: 975 of 1000

Launch Value 6 of 15

Pathfinder Battlegroup 1

Strategy Rating: 7

2 X Medea
1 X Perseus

Line Battlegroup 1

Strategy Rating: 7

1 X Orion
2 X Europa

Vanguard Battlegroup 1

Strategy Rating: 12

1 X Priam
2 X Andromeda

Line Battlegroup 2

Strategy Rating: 7

1 X Ganymede
1 X Medea
1 X Calypso

Line Battlegroup 3

Strategy Rating: 5

1 X Ajax

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