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Combined Arms

Lately, life and other miniature projects have sidetracked me a bit from my infinity painting. The last things I've managed to finish were some morats from the Agression Force that I really don't plan to play anytime soon as I play Onyx, but they look so badass that I wanted to have them painted on the shelf parade with my other minis.

This tough guy here was a hard color choice. I decided back with the Rodoks that Red will be the color that would identify the morat sectorial and green the unifying color for the Combined Army. However I didn't want to go with the same dark green armor of the Rodoks so instead I went for some metallic blue armor that in the end gave a nice contrast with the rest of the color scheme. The guy overall transmits the feeling that the armor is bulky and heavy.

Sogarat tempest regiment

Sogarat back
For the ladies it was easier, I mantained the dark green armor for the Zerat. She is supposed to be an infilitrated agent in jungle terrain so I don't think she would feel confident with any other color on the field. The Oznat is a huntress so most of her armor is made of bone parts and leather
Zerat and Oznat

Zerat and Oznat backs
I also got to paint one of my Xeodrons, same scheme I used on the Unidrons to keep the overall look of my Onyx force.

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