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Chicken Supreme

Well, that was one hell of a long hiatus - almost a month since the last entry. I was working on a project that kept me constantly travelling so I didn't have much time to invest in painting. However I was just recently fired so expect to see an increase in updates the next weeks while I try to keep myself busy at home.

My target is to finish all my pending minis for Mansions of Madness and Arcadia Quest before my parents bring my Ninja All-Stars and Dorasure expansions next week. Maybe even finish some of my remainding Forgotten King.

So for the last part I'm tackling those spawnpoints that still had some minis left to be complete. First, I completed the troll hunters from the Mistmourn trolls warband. They were stuck on my painting tray for months so I finished them so I could get rid of seeing them everyday.

Next were the Frog Knights, these were in fact my first painting project for my forced vacation, but it took me a while to decide in the colours. Originally was going for green and purple and white and green armor but in the end I switched to a colour scheme that is closer to their game art.
All sides of the Chicken Supreme Squad
Detail of the rider
I'm not really fond of using metallic colors on SDE minis but I opened an exception here for the knight's armour as it was not turning out well with non-metallics.

For Arcadia Quest I finished Tyrion and Merlin (whichever their names are on AQ lore). For Tyrion I went Lannister red and black. For Merlin I searched some reference from the original film but the colours where too bland for AQ style so I gave him a warlock purple cloack to stand out a bit.

This photo made me notice Tyrion's eyes are a bit off so I should go to correct them later...

Last but not least, I got Mansions od Madness back to the table. Zombies and Sect Leaders were first. I kept to simple color patterns for them focusing on the skin and robes depths instead of adding many colors.

Next fot the Hounds of Tindalos I used a curious mix o ichory blue and fluorescent green to give them an eerie appearance. I kinda like how they turned out. They look right out of a Ghostbusters movie.

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