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Heroes of the Blight

It's been some time since the last update. I'm traveling quite a lot lately and i'm really not getting as much painting time as I used to get. Also Overwatch has taken a chunk of my time too.

This week I finished the Spearhead expansion heroes for the Blight Empire as well as the base box walker.
Baron Munchen, Volker Hawken and Dora Rollen
Baron Munchen and Dora Rollen

Volker Hawken takes the tank for a ride.
Side view
Side view
Last week I also sold several boardgames I had catching dust at home. One of them was the Nameless expansion for Arcadia Quest as I already had mine painted, I decided to sell the duplicates. The guy who bought it asked if I could paint them for him so I gave them a go.

The complete set
The Heartless
The Faceless

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