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Robot sand-bugs and Tomb Guard

Keeping up with my Sandstone Necrons AKA Robot-Legions for OPR Grimdark Future, this last months I worked on some updates to my army. I managed to get my hands on some forge-world kits from a recaster that I plan to use as some of the bigger models in OPR.

First is this massive centipede that makes a fantastic centerpiece for the army. I don't like Necron vehicles, so I need substitutes for pretty much everything on the armory, and this centipede can be used as several of the walkers or the tanks of the legions. 

The same is true for the bikes. Not too fond of the necron bikes either. I think they look very cartoony, so instead I went with thes flying mech insects. They look fast and insidious as bikes should be, but they are way more integrated with the theme of the army.

I also managed to get me some tomb guards. With those heavy shields they are some of my favourite models from the necron range. I bought them from a numbered collection, so the sprue wasn't complete, and I wad to clone some of the torso pieces to complete all 5 of them. I had to get a bit creative to hide the joints were the cloned parts didn't fit the originals, but in the end the result is not noticeable.

And to end it in style here is the massive centerpiece of my army. This massive tomb scorpion, built from a triad stalker and some parts from wraiths and other necron sprues. It occupies a massive 120cm base and dwarfs pretty much any other model in the faction. 

It has a poor Space Marine Terminator on the base as a casualty. I got him from our club's bits box and thought it would be a great addition to add something interesting to such an enormous base.

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