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Knights of the cross

This year I've been playing military orders intensively since they came out, but I put them on the pipeline for painting until the Teuton knights and the Trinitaries were released, as I wanted to paint them all together for them to look cohesive.

Last week at last I managed to get my hands on the Trinitaries so I started with my newest panoceanian project.

I started with the crossiers as they should be the ones that dictate the color scheme for the rest of the army. Originally I painted them with garnet tunic and accents, however, after paintind the Sepulchre knight I felt the purple was better suited for eclesiarchy troops.

The Teutons were a ton of fun to paint and also had to be repainted of their garnet accents. I particularly enjoyed painting the cross on their tunics. I love how they look from behind which is awesome because is the view you will have most of the time from the player's perspective.

One of the Teutons was kind enough to share it's missile launcher for a little cloning. Allowing my Knight of Justice to get himself a decent ARO weapon. For the KoJ I used a lot of gold plates as they are the new versions of the old Father Knights, and my old Father Knight sported a lot of gold all around.

Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, it's the kind of miniature that makes you start a faction. Maybe not the best attack profile of the army but certainly one of the coolest minis. It looks chunky and menacing!

Group shot!

I also took my time to rebase some older Military Order models that I had in older panoceanian bases. Back from the time my Pan0 was on water bases.

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