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Shadows of the Faith

Still slowly working on my military orders. This last month I've been working on the Tertiarian Trinitaries and some solo miniatures.

I've always been fond of the black friars design though they are very situational profiles. My rocket launcher Black Friar was painted after she saved my ass from an enemy rampaging suryat by hitting him right in the face with a rocket that melted him down to ashes. 

The trinitaries are not my favourite minis sculpt wise, but they are such terrific profiles that you can't just not have them. I've run most of their profiles with some hilarious results and they alone have saved me entire games (once even taking down 3 enemy tags in a single game by outflanking them and exploding them with D-Charges. Priceless!)

While originally I was going for white tunics, once painted I didn't like the result so I stepped back and opted for black color scheme with red accents that reminded of the Santiago's cross. I kinda like this new look as it looks better suited for stealthy ops.

I also converted the Knight of Santiago from the army box. I was really fond of the old Santiago Knights due to their long helmets so I was really disappointed when the helmet design was dropped for N4. I took matters into my own hands and sculpted him a new helmet with some plasticard and greenstuff. 

I loooove the result and I can now really look at it and feel that he really is a Knight of Santiago and not just a generic panoceanic knight with Orc armor. 


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